Tech Topics

Working 9 to 5 - is everyone able to make a living?

(Photo credit @moritz_photography)

Do you remember that saying about the weather in March? Well, it definitely started like a lion, but I’m still waiting for the lamb part…I’ve also been re-watching one of my favorite TV shows, Madam Secretary. I was not really a fan of Tea Leoni before this show - but she did an amazing job in this role. One of the episodes I just watched had to do with worker’s rights, so that may have inspired my focus for this week on how the tech industry views & interacts with unions. 


Unions are a group of workers who have joined together in some type of collective or association in order to protect workers’ rights and advance their interests. Labor unions have been recognized in the United States since 1935 with the enactment of the National Labor Relations Act. Unions exist to provide a set of standards for groups of workers with respect to education, skill levels, wages and other benefits. 

Over the past few years, tech workers have begun to explore unionization as a way to protest decisions made by the leaders of their respective companies. Interestingly, there seem to be two veins, depending on the type of employment with the tech company. 

The first groups to unionize were the contractors who worked in “auxiliary roles” in some of the top Silicon Valley companies, such as security officers and cafeteria workers. Those working in contractor roles are often working many hours, but are paid hourly rates, have lower job security (due to the nature of the contract work), and unable to take advantage of the huge bounty of perks available to full-time employees. One big discrepancy that is particular to the Bay Area is that contractors are unable to ride the omnipresent shuttles employees use to get to work, as it’s seen as a taxable benefit. 

Here is a survey of some of the most recent union-related news across a swath of major tech companies: 

All of this activity in tech is reflecting the similar challenges with disparity and inequality happening in the wider United States economy. Many tech workers since the late 1990s have felt that they were working in tech to improve the world (like the famous “Don’t Be Evil” from Google, removed in 2018). As everyone shared that ethos, they didn’t need unions. But as of late, many workers have felt a lack of adherence with that mission. Organizing is a way to bring back some of that power to the workers to affect real & positive change in the world. It is clear however that tech companies cannot ignore employee activism any longer, and must figure out how to best engage -- as talent is the most important part of how a tech company operates. 

Interested in learning more? Check out Collective Actions in Tech or the Tech Workers Coalition.


Domo arigato Mr. (Autonomous) Roboto

(Photo Credit Curbed)

The allure of self-driving vehicles is huge for most techies, with the initial focus on personal vehicles and then an expansion to commercial vehicles (like taxis and mac trucks). Waymo, one of the most well-known self-driving projects, can trace some of its origin story to Carnegie Mellon University. In the late 1980s, CMU was also known for developing the ALVINN (Autonomous Land Vehicle In a Neural Network), which looks like a self-driving ice cream truck. A few years later, Sebastian Thrun joined the CMU computer science department & did much of his early work on robotics there, before leaving for Stanford. Thrun then helped found Google X in 2009 with Anthony Levandowski, with the first major X project focusing on self-driving cars. X incubated this project for several years, then spun it out into Waymo in December 2016. In May 2020, Waymo received a $3B investment from venture capital and private equity investors, so they continue to find their “way forward in mobility.” 

Another company which made a failed foray into self-driving cars was Uber. The Uber Advanced Technology Group (ATG) was based in Pittsburgh (right near CMU) and was Uber’s answer to helping make its ride-sharing unit profitable. There was another self-driving Uber Freight unit based in San Francisco, co-founded by Levandowski. That imploded in 2018 when Waymo sued & Uber settled, as Levandowski was later convicted of stealing Waymo’s technology & served 18 months in prison. [Fun fact: I visited the UF offices with a small group of students for a private tour & chat with the co-CEO Lior Ron in Dec 2017 shortly before the scandal broke. Very cool technology but huge oops!] ATG then shifted to focusing solely on developing passenger vehicles until December 2020, when they were sold to Aurora Innovation. Super curious to see how Uber charts its path to profitability now. 

And there is also a wave of self-driving commercial cars in development. Cruise, a majority-owned subsidiary of GM, had announced in Jan 2020 the launch of a new electric autonomous shuttle car, to be used primarily within urban environments. Chinese WeRide received $200million in funding in Dec 2020 as part of the race to build autonomous vehicles in China.  Right around that time, Amazon's Zoox acquisition launched its first vehicle, another similar autonomous robot taxi. And all of these definitely look like toasters on wheels.  Some would say that the cute & innocuous design is to help a wider group of consumers to feel comfortable with trying this technology, whereas many early adopters love the sleek & futuristic look of cars like Tesla instead. The boxy style of many self-driving cars also facilitates functioning of the complex web of sensors these cars need to work properly.  And speaking of, Tesla has included ‘auto steer’ features in some of its vehicles for a while, but just announced that Full Self Driving could be here for car owners as soon as April 2021

The line between tech firms and car companies is continuing to blur, especially when you see the more traditional car company Hyundai outlaid around $1B in December 2020 to acquire robotics firm Boston Dynamics


How to Escape the Confines of Time and Space According to the CIA : these are such odd words to see strung together


What have you been listening to?

(Photo credit @juja_han)

Helllo friends - it’s been a while! I abruptly hit my ‘screen time’ limit in January, which I never, ever thought would happen. I literally couldn’t look at my laptop screen anymore as I spend so much time doing Zoom meetings, email, powerpoints, Google docs, etc, etc. Instead, I spent some time just listening -- to people, podcasts, music, birdsong, books, etc. That helped inform this week’s newsletter - as audio-based content is enjoying a huge rise during covid times. I have to imagine that it’s no coincidence that others are also struggling with consuming so much visual/video-based content and are turning to another method of consumption: audio. 


I just joined Clubhouse last night. I got an invite a while ago but hadn’t pulled the trigger to join. It seemed apropos to the topic of listening - so I joined in order to check it out. Haven’t heard about Clubhouse yet? It’s an audio-based social media app launched in mid 2020 to allow users to interact conversationally. Entering a room on Clubhouse kinda feels like I walked into a panel discussion at SXSW or hopped onto a conference call with a group of friends. Super interesting approach to encourage human interaction & connection. The mix of users has changed in the past few months -- and there’s some legitimate concern around who is really benefiting from this app’s growth

Some also describe Clubhouse as a space to join “live” podcasts anytime of the day or night. After an initial dip when covid hit, the podcast business has grown immensely in the past year. (The initial dip came from the sudden drop off of commuters who listened to/from work -- but many of those same listeners started listening again relatively quickly.) The problem is while investment in podcasts & podcast advertising is great, only a few seem to be actually making money. Many companies are getting into building their own podcast fiefdoms - Spotify acquired Megaphone; SiriusXM acquired Stitcher; Amazon acquired Wondery - and that’s just Q4 2020 activity! Each of these acquisitions is creating a different bet: Spotify working to better monetize the content it has; SiriusXM is expanding its content library; and Amazon is finding another way to sell targeted ads & find another usage for the ubiquitous Echo smart speakers. 

Amazon also has another unique connection to audio that hearkens back to its roots - in audiobooks. Another surprise benefit from the forced time at home is the rise in listening to audiobooks. Global sales have been growing at 25-30% per annum for the past three years and will hit $3.5bn in 2020, driven by the US and China, which each make up around a third of the market. I have struggled to listen to audiobooks in the car as it’s hard for me to keep the thread of the story (fiction) or to listen to complex political or financial logic (non-fiction)...but at home, it’s a lot easier to pause/replay so I can see the global appeal. One of the crossover appeals for audiobooks and podcasts is listening to really good storytellers with great vocal tone and intonation. My absolute favourite podcast is Levar Burton Reads which is a meld of podcast and audiobook, delivered by a masterful storyteller. 

Speaking of wonderful voices to listen to...the voice of Headspace’s Andy Puddicombe has an instantly calming effect. I have continued my daily meditation practice via Headspace, going on 6 years now! Again, I only listen to meditations and rarely use some of the newer video-based components of the app. Last year Headspace closed a series C round and has been extending its competitive lead over Calm by selling its wellness services to employers. That’s actually how I first found out about Headspace in fall 2014 - Google offered it at a deep discount to employees (only $12/year!). Headspace is working to show the clinical efficacy of its app, which would be the first of its kind to pull that off.


Do you have a song that immediately relaxes you when you hear the initial strains begin? For me, that song is ‘Midnight in Harlem’ by the Tedeschi Trucks band. (Thank you to Pandora for the initial random introduction to this fantastic song!) I cannot explain why this song causes this reaction - but as soon as I hear the first 2-3 chords, I always feel an immediate sense of relaxation & happiness. I hope you enjoy the song - and have found one that works for you!