Tech Topics

Will Hey revolutionize email? Or just annoy Apple?

(Photo credit @austindistel)

I am surprised/not surprised that during covid19 times, I’m getting less efficient in email. Though I have less in-person interruptions, I’m just so tired of staring at my screen. And being bombarded with marketing messages from ‘caring’ companies doesn’t make me excited to visit my inbox! I’m guessing you’re feeling something similar. 


I laugh whenever I see the headline “Is email dead?” Gen Z killed it. Slack is killing it (tho they launched an ‘email bridge’ feature last year so you can now send emails within Slack). Others argue that email is just changing, and that it’s becoming more important for businesses to communicate via email with customers. Ultimately, communication tools continue to evolve but email just hasn’t been replaced yet as the communication mode of (forced) choice.

So when the team from Basecamp announced a brand-new email platform called a couple days ago, I started to chuckle. Billed as a way to have complete control over your imbox, Hey is charging a $99/year price and has already gotten strong traction among many techy friends of mine. I am fascinated by the screening feature, which allows you to decide if someone can send you a message or block them forever. And the feature which blocks the email tracking attempts that most marketing firms employ is very cool.

Cue ensuing drama from...Apple??  You would have thought that a company with a real email service (like Gmail or Outlook) might have caused drama. But no, it’s from Apple, who has the weakest email offering, though it’s widely used as it comes pre-installed. (I find Apple Mail is unusable!). Apple is threatening the Hey team with App Store removal for not integrating an in-app subscription option (which Basecamp complains would siphon off up to 30% of their revenue). And it is upsetting a LOT of techies from the Basecamp founder who called them 'gangsters' to this guy, especially as Apple is facing new antitrust sanctions from the European Union.

Will surpass the other shiny & tech-popular email platform Superhuman? One major difference: Superhuman is simply a skin that lays on top of Gmail, but provides a lot of added functionality (and makes VCs think you’re super cool). I made it off the exclusive waitlist last year to become a subscriber but it’s not optimized for mobile users, so I quit after a couple of months. Those who check email via desktop receive the most benefit from the added functions. 

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    Learning About AI, Bias and Humane Design

    (Photo credit @photoshobby)

    As individuals and companies are navigating how to respond to the robots taking over the world, it’s useful to know that according to a study of 8,370 employees, managers and HR leaders across 10 countries, 64% of people would trust a robot over their manager. “New technologies, according to respondents, will help them master new skills (36%), gain more free time (36%), and expand their current role so that it’s more strategic (28%).” While most of you are not going to bring physical robots to your workplaces anytime soon, the study shows that introducing other AI tools at your workplace might not be as hard as you thought...and that managers still have a looong way to go to earn the trust of their employees.

    1. Do some reading to understand at a base level what is artificial intelligence, and how it is possible for it to be biased.

    2. Look to see what your leaders know about AI, whether or not you work at a tech company, as all companies use AI these days. If you are a leader, ask yourself if you know enough about the tech to know what changes should be made.

    3. When you are designing products or working with those who do, ensure they are following humane design frameworks/principles.

    • The Center for Humane Technology has a set of tech principles and a Design Guide among other resources.

    • Kat Holmes of MisMatch Design has a book, podcast, workshops & other resources to help improve inclusive design. 

    4. Look for the groups doing work in AI & diversity

    Amazon’s approach to building robot/human trust? Develop a weird Valentine’s video.


    Can you design algorithms without inherent bias?

    (Photo credit)

    Especially during these more isolated times, many of us turn to social media to keep up with friends & family, learn about relevant news, and watch endless cat videos. This is probably the most visible way that many people interact with artificial intelligence on a daily basis, regardless of whether or not they are aware of it. AI decides what content you see, in what order, or whether you see it at all in your feed.  AI is designed by humans though, so many argue that we are not doing enough to remove human bias before it gets encoded in the tech that humans build. 


    IBM made a bold statement earlier this week by deciding not to make any more general purpose facial recognition software. IBM CEO Arvind Krishna's letter called for broader police reforms and said “IBM firmly opposes and will not condone uses of any technology, including facial recognition technology offered by other vendors, for mass surveillance, racial profiling” and human rights violations.

    Amazon soon followed IBM’s lead, implementing a one-year pause on allowing police to access their facial recognition software. They also called for Congress to enact legislation to guide them. And employees at Microsoft are pushing for similar changes.

    Tech continues to struggle with many challenges related to bias in product design/usage, including: 

    • when do you decide not to build something? Does that decision remove your ability to stay competitive? Does that decision have impact on whether other tech firms will follow suit?

    • how do you ensure that the tech you are building does not inherently further bias, via its design & architecture? 

    • how do you ensure that the tech isn’t used in a manner inconsistent with your company values? 

    AI has provided great impact on our daily lives with respect to reducing commute times, allowing mobile check deposits, improving fraud detection and spam filters, and improving our energy operations &  power grid optimization.

    Yet these successes have been tempered with countless stories of AI models exhibiting racist behavior. One directed Black Americans away from higher-quality healthcare, while another labeled a thermometer in the hands of a Black person a gun. And Google was famously rebuked for labeling Black people as gorillas in its photo-categorization software (AND then for not fixing it with a real solution).