Data Literacy — Digital Orchards

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    Data Literacy

    (Photo credit @anniespratt)

    I try to share interesting perspectives and relevant tips to help you connect tech trends to career growth. The theme this week is Data Literacy.


    Data is what drives decisions in tech companies. The challenge is that for both tech and non-tech companies, the current data gathering approach seems to be to collect ALL THE DATA (and figure out later what to do with it). This blanketed approach to data collection
    leaves teams overwhelmed by the sheer volume of data they need to understand, analyze and act upon -- and at the extreme, it helped lead to the recent indictments for the Chinese miliary’s role in the 2017 Equifax breach. Amassing data “for data’s sake” and without a data-driven strategy is dangerous for consumers and businesses alike.

    One of the main reasons that companies take this broad-brush approach is that there is a dearth of data literacy skills among their employees. According to Gartner, “in 2020, 50% of organizations will lack sufficient AI and data literacy skills to achieve business value.”

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