Tech Topics

What tech niches are experiencing high activity right now?

(Photo credit @cgower)

Well, I hope all of you are doing well in your place of isolation. I'm starting to have a bit of trouble in separating my days, which led me to include my first two tips. And since job searching is top of mind for many readers, I've included links to job boards with high activity. And I've also been fascinated to see the shifts in tech usage. As the saying goes, "nature abhors a vacuum" and so tech usage has simply shifted to other areas.



  • On Tue Apr 8, I was invited to give some brief remarks to my fellow Princeton classmates on the outlook for hiring/career/education/tech (alongside some other amazing folks, including a nonprofit founder/mountain climber, a food/CPG VC who worked with Michelle Obama & a senior writer for Time magazine). It was a great way to come together to get updates on each other, as well as hear what was happening in the world around us. And for those of us invited to give some short remarks, it felt good to share stories, advice, and hope.


Want personalized job search strategy tips and career guidance? Take a look at my Career Strategy Session options.

How can tech help patients in a pandemic?

(Photo credit @hush52)

Hope you are safe & healthy wherever you are. Last Friday, I was an attendee & company sponsor(!!) at the Johnson Women in Tech conference in NYC. The more intimate conference setting led to in-depth discussions between attendees & panelists about tech topics & career growth, and I also received a request to focus on digital health trends this week.


Not surprising that health is top of mind for many right now. I see two larger themes right now in the realm of digital health-related to patient access & personalization of care. (I’ll focus on access this week, and tackle personalization next week.)

Within patient access, access to care & access to records stand out right now.

Telemedicine is seeing a huge increase in usage within the past few months as patients seek care but are avoiding hospitals or physical waiting rooms. While there are limits to what telemedicine can diagnose, it can and should alleviate stress on the hospital systems and increase access to care for those in more rural/remote locations. It has also become an employee benefit, with Maven doing amazing things for women's health.

Access to electronic health records (EHRs) continues to be a hard problem to solve. Patients lack true portability for their records between doctors or hospitals (often records are still faxed!) While a new interoperability standard was just announced this week, lots of debate continues between the EHR vendors on execution. We need to solve this -- in a crisis, this lack of cohesive & comprehensive data sharing can have adverse effects on a patient’s health or diagnosis.

Learn more:


  • Adorable puppy video alert!

  • MIT Admissions released a fantastic video to let prospectives know decisions will be made on Pi Day (3/14). Baby Yoda makes an appearance.

Want a Career in Tech but aren’t sure where to start? Take a look at MY COURSE, ‘TECH SEARCH COMPASS’ FOR STEP-BY-STEP SUPPORT

Have you tried the Experience economy?

(Photo credit @acreativegangster )


Since my brief stint as Dir of Marketing/Membership for early networking startup, I have always been interested in the symbiotic relationship between online platforms and offline experiences. It could be for connecting friends, networking for jobs, educating others, or finding new curling buddies. The two articles I highlighted below both discuss the evolution of experiences. While ‘content was king,’ the future is about engagement. (We’ve seen Facebook shift from just providing a place for you to share content with others to supporting vast growth in groups & online communities).

And the experience economy can range from wellness experiences to education to pure fun. Part of WeWork’s attraction was the physical place it customized to bring together fun & work for entrepreneurs who were spending so much time alone with their laptops. And while that company went off the rails for many reasons, places like Luminary and Chief seem to be succeeding by focusing on specific populations (namely women). It will be interesting to see if/how the rise in the COVID-19 virus & resulting quarantines will affect this rapidly growing niche that is navigating online/offline human interactions.

Want to learn more?


“The Man” by Taylor Swift was a surprisingly awesome video. See if you can name all the cultural references seen in the video.
(Cheat sheet can be found here: What Taylor Swift wants you to see in ‘The Man,’ her gender-bending takedown of the patriarchy.)

Want a Career in Tech but aren’t sure where to start? Take a look at MY COURSE, ‘TECH SEARCH COMPASS’ FOR STEP-BY-STEP SUPPORT